I should be drying my hair right now and dashing out the door for work – however, it’s been nagging at me that the last post of mine is so negative. I hate sounding like that! I’m better now, had a beautiful Mother’s Day yesterday, and am overall in a better place.

So this post is not to be positive or negative really, but more thought and discussion provoking. I will edit it as time permits – right now is NOT the time, lol.

But, some Christian friends and I were discussing the whole spiritual warfare issue and the powers and limitations Satan Devil has. I’ll admit offhand that I think he’s more powerful than my friends were giving him credit for, particularly when there is an area in one’s life that gives him an inroads.

That said,

-What are the limitations you believe Satan has and why?

-What are the powers he has and why do you believe this?

-Specifically, do you believe that Satan can know your private thoughts? A-ha! Why/Why not?

I’m curious to hear what ya’ll think. Thinking